【収録内容】 Let's go hiking!/Good idea!/Here's your lunch./Thanks, Mom./Are you ready?/I'm ready./Have fun!/See you later./Don't be scared./Good job!/I'm tired./Let's rest./Let's have lunch./Sounds good./It's crowded./Stay with me/Look, an elephant!/Wow, it's big!/What's this?/It's a rabbit./What's that?/It's a bear./Let's ride the teacups./OK!/Let's ride the roller coaster./No! I'm scared./Something to eat?/No! thanks./Something to drink?/Juice, Please./Piza, Please./Here you go./Which one?/This one./Give me some./We can share it./It's getting dark./Let's go home now./Get in line!/All right./You can sit here./Thank you./Where's my hat?/Here it is./Did you have fun?/Yes, we did!/英語のうた♪『Sing sing Together』
サイズ: カード本体 たて18.2cm×よこ12.0cm/B6変型判 46枚